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Email *
Phone *
Business Name *
Business Type * Sole Proprietor Single Member LLC LLC Partnership LLC Corporation
Is your business taxed as an S-Corp? No Yes I don't know what those words mean.
How long have you been in business? * I'm just starting up 1 - 2 Years 3 - 4 Years 5+ Years
Tell me a little about your business. *
How do you currently keep track of your books? * I am not currently doing any bookkeeping It's all in my head Excel / Google Sheets QuickBooks Online Other - Please explain below.
If you selected Other, please explain.
If so, how do you perform payroll? Not Applicable Intuit Full Service Payroll Gusto Other 3rd party Service I calculate it myself
How many bank accounts and credit cards do you have? *
Approximately how many transactions do you have each month (incoming & outgoing)? * Less than 25 26-50 51-100 100+
How do you currently accept payments or invoice your customers? (Stripe, Square, PayPal, Cash, Check, Through Accounting Software, Etc.)
Do you have any loans or leases and if so, how many? *
Which of the following is the biggest motivator for outsourcing your bookkeeping? * Saving time so I can focus on the parts of my business that make money Seeing how my business is doing so I can increase profits I am better with a polisher than I am with my numbers Yep, all of the above Something else
Do you have any questions, or would you like to add anything else?
If we decide we are a good fit for each other, when would you want to start? Yesterday Next two weeks In the next month I am just shopping around, I am not ready to decide
How did you hear about us? Referral Facebook Google QuickBooks Online ProAdvisor Listing
If you were referred to us, who should we thank?